I probably won't play this custom map again because I thought it was way too easy. When the game finished I had a ton of cash to spend and I had built quite a few turrets. If you survive the first five rounds you shouldn't have any problems with running out of money to spend on turrets. There is only eight turrets available with one that doesn't deal any damage but reduces the speed of the enemy.

Some waves contain boss units that have a lot of health and you need to use the mine drill turret to take them out. The waves will start with easy units then they will gradually increase in health and speed. If they reach the end of the map your team losses lives. The map itself is pretty straight forward with only one spawn point for the mobs and they follow a path that has many turns until they reach their destination. This was the first time I played this particular map and I was worried we were going to fail with only three people especially after the host insisted we wait for more. We were waiting for about five minutes for other players to join, but no one did so we launched with three. Sixen Tower: A medium tower that has a good DPS. Nicolis Tower: A really slow tower that can be upgraded later. There was two other players and me so three people total. MapsterTD 1.1 - First Starcraft 2 Tower Defense First Tower Defense of Starcraft II. There was only 30 waves that we had to survive.

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